Tag Archives: Dface

London: D*Face archived and unseen exhibition (Stolenspace)

D*Face London 2020

StolenSpace Gallery is showcasing a unique collection of archived and unseen works by D*Face, featuring some rare gems and editions that were meant to have been released but never were, as well as a few more misprints tucked away.

Its a great opportunity to step into D*Face creative world and discover some insights in his recreated studio space, as well as enjoy some recognisable characters and imagery, some of which have been misprinted or played around with to create truly special one-offs.

Thanks for sharing the experimentation process that goes into creating the perfect print!

D*Face London 2020
D*Face London 2020
D*Face London 2020
D*Face London 2020
D*Face London 2020
D*Face London 2020

In parallel to the show, D*Face painted a large scale mural in London, next to Kings Cross station.